By clicking the green button below you can have access to as many quotes as you need. Take the hassle out of getting your Card Shop Insurance and get started now

  • Building Insurance
  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Employers’ Liability
  • Contents and Stock
  • Monthly payment options
  • Instant insurance documents available

What Types of Cover Are Available?

If you run a card shop then arranging insurance is a crucial part of ensuring your business is successful. Without the appropriate level of cover, your business is at great risk of going bankrupt if your shop is affected by flood, fire or other perils that are outside of your control.

Selecting the correct insurance options can be time consuming and complicated unless you put your insurance into the hands of the experts. We have years of experience in the card shop insurance industry and can give you the relevant support and guidance required to set up the right insurance cover for you.

There will be no need for you to decipher technical insurance terminology, as we will take care of all the details involved in arranging the policy. Shop insurance cover options vary greatly from each insurance company, so it is important that your insurer is able to cater for all of your requirements as a card shop owner.

Here are some of the cover options available:

  • Employers’ Liability – This will insure you against any injuries that your employees sustain whilst working for you. Costly compensation claims and legal fees are a nightmare unless you have adequate protection in place.
  • Public Liability  – If a customer injures themselves whilst on your premises they may attempt to take you to court to claim compensation. Again, this could involve an expensive pay out and legal fees.
  • Buildings – If you own the shop then it will be in your best interests to set up cover for any damage caused to the building through fire, flood or malicious damage. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need your insurance to cover the costs of a complete rebuild.
  • Contents and Stock – Any items that are kept inside your shop such as equipment, furniture and of course your stock could be damaged or stolen. For complete peace of mind you should look to take out cover for your contents.
  • Goods in Transit -Your goods could be damaged or stolen whilst being delivered, so it makes sense to cover yourself against this risk.
  • Cash – Your shop will obviously have cash stored either in the till or possibly a safe. You can take out cover against theft of cash from your premises.
  • Business Interruption – If your shop is forced to close for a while due to flood or fire damage, then you will lose out on your daily takings. By selecting business interruption cover, you will receive payments based on your average revenue. This will ensure that your finances keep ticking over until you are ready to open for business again.

Save Money & Get Your Quotes Now

There’s no better way to save money on your insurance than to shop around. At one time this would have meant calling insurance providers one by one to obtain a quote. Nowadays it’s much simpler. To get multiple quotes now all you have to do is click the green button below and you’ll have access to a range of quotes from different insurance specialists within minutes. There’s no time to lose so why not take the first step to getting your quotes by clicking below.