Getting Clothes Shop Insurance is easier than you think!
By clicking the button below you can receive multiple quotes within minutes
- Building Insurance
- Cover for Theft and Accidental Damage
- Public Liability Insurance
- Stock Insurance
- Shop Front
- Business Interruption
- Monthly payment options
- Instant insurance documents available
A Guide to Clothes Shop Insurance
Whether your business is an exclusive fashion boutique or trendy high street clothes store, one of your key priorities will be to protect your shop through adequate insurance cover. Remove all of the worry of which company to select and which cover options to have on your policy by clicking the green button at the top or bottom of this page to get access to multiple quotes.
Types of Cover Available
There are so many different considerations and options involved in shop insurance. Here are a few of the options that you will probably want to consider:
- Public Liability – It is crucial that you are covered, should a customer suffer an injury whilst on your premises. If they were to claim for compensation, this could prove to be an extremely expensive problem for you. That is unless you have the appropriate cover in place of course.
- Employers’ Liability – This is another key type of cover that will cover you against claims from employees who injure themselves whilst in the workplace.
- Contents and Stock – This type of cover will ensure that any damage or theft of your stock or any equipment and furniture etc will be replaced if necessary without you needing to foot the bill.
- Buildings – If you own the shop then you will probably want to look at getting buildings cover and if you have a mortgage, your mortgage company will more than likely require you to take this cover out. Buildings cover will take care of any structural repairs if the building is damaged through fire, flood or even malicious damage.
- Shop Front – Unfortunately shop fronts are often targeted for random malicious damage. By taking out this option, you will be covered for window replacements and for any damage to the shop awning.
- Cash – Should you have the misfortune of being a victim of theft, the cash stored on your premises can be claimed for, ensuring that this risk does not bring down the curtains on your business.
- Business Interruption – A big risk to the success of your shop is if a flood or fire causes enough damage to warrant closure of the shop. It could take a while for the necessary repairs to be completed and you could miss out on a lot of income during this period. Business Interruption cover guarantees you are paid an income even if your sop is not open for trade.
Getting Quotes is Easy
As you can see, that are many different aspects that you need to consider to fully protect your business. Why not click the green button below to get started and have access to your quotes within minutes. The hard part is then done and all you have to do is decide which insurer offers the best deal for your shop.