5 Things Mobile Mechanics Should Mention to Potential Customers

When you pick up the phone and speak to a new enquiry you will no doubt find yourself answering some questions. Additionally, there may be things your potential customer doesn’t think to ask but that it would be wise to mention before you get to their house. It’s better to lose a sale after 5 minutes on the phone than 30 minutes on the road!
1. Training
Reassure your client by mentioning what your training and background is, especially if it is relevant to their make of car. If they want you to service their car, then they want to hear that you’ve spent time working for the main dealer or attended a training course. Don’t be afraid to blow your own trumpet here.
2. Insurance
The voice at the other end of the line may want to know if you are fully insured but be too embarrassed to ask. You know you have valid mobile mechanics insurance so take them through the relevant details. Mention that you have public liability and that your mechanics insurance covers road testing the vehicle if needed.
3. Time
Your client is likely to be pushed for time, which is why they don’t want to waste time going to a garage. Let them know how long you expect the repair to take but make it clear that you may need to revise that once you see the car in person. You will need to have some idea anyway for booking in the next appointment and it comes across well if you mention it now.
4. Space restrictions
Let your client know if you are going to have difficulty servicing the car if space is restricted. Check if the car is kept on the road and know what you can and can’t do in these circumstances. Some mobile mechanics offer a collection service for clients that can’t provide a suitable location for you to perform the work.
5. Paperwork and co.
Tell your client if you offer a warranty on your work, and how long it is valid for. Many customers will appreciate a bill of work done – if only to file away in the service history for when they come to sell the car – so mention that you can provide one. If you offer full servicing, then your potential client will also want to know if you will be able to stamp the service book.
People take consumer rights very seriously these days so letting your customers know all these things about you will not only allow them to be confident you’re the right person for the job, but also they’ll be able to mention all this to people they speak to – who could be potential new customers.