How to Find Premises For Your Motor Trade Business

There comes a time when a motor trader has to bite the bullet and start looking for business premises. Whether your current premises don’t work for you anymore, or whether you’re looking for the first time, there are certain things to consider in order to keep you sane, and keep your motor trade insurance premiums down too. Here, we take a look at just some of the considerations you should take into account.

Is it secure?

Secure premises will not only keep your traders insurance (check out our motor trade insurance guide for full details on how traders insurance works) down, but they’ll also likely save you a lot of headaches in terms of security, break-ins and car theft potential. Make sure you choose somewhere that has a fairly low crime rate to begin with, but don’t discount industrial estates where you can share security costs with other premises on the same estate – it can work out pretty cost effective.

Does it offer value for money?

It’s all very well having the nicest premises amongst the competition, but if it raises your overheads so that you have to put more on the cars you’re selling, putting buyers off, then it’s a bit of a false economy. Consider your budget carefully and opt for premises you know you can sustain the rent on for a long time to come.

Can people reach it easily?

There’s no point in choosing a safe secure site for your motor trade premises if no one can access it when they wish to come down to take a look at the vehicles you’re trading. Consider road links, and whether there are public transport links that go nearby too – not everyone will arrive and leave in a car.

Will it capture passing trade?

Not all of your customers will come in based on some advertisement they’ve seen online. It may be possible for you to drum up some passing trade – if you so wish – by advertising that your premises are open to the public. If so, consider premises near to a main road where signage can be places strategically to catch the eye of motorists who pass that way.

Are you near to the competition?

You may think being close to another motor trader would be something of a drawback but this is not always the case. If a motorist has to pass your premises to reach your competitor, then it may well convince them to come and have a look at what you have to offer should they have some time on their hands, or should your competitor not have what they need.

All in all, careful consideration of the points above should help you to decide on whether business premises you’re looking at are right for your motor trade business -happy hunting!

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