How Should Your Salespeople Be Selling Your Fleet?
When it comes to making sales for your fleet of vehicles, whether they’re small courier runs or larger lorries, it’s essential that the important bases are covered such as the fact that you have comprehensive company fleet insurance and that your vehicles are well-maintained. But, are your salespeople harnessing the USPs of your business to truly impress clients they get in front of? Or are they simply promising them the world – that you and your fleet have to deliver on? Let’s have a look below at some of the things your salespeople should be telling prospective clients about your business.
You’re reliable
When it comes to transport and logistics, reliability is paramount. So, get your clients to impress upon prospective clients that you take reliability VERY seriously indeed. Do you have regular maintenance schedules for your vehicles? How many standby vehicles do you have should one of your vehicles be out of commission? How quickly can you switch loads over if a driver breaks down? How many ‘on call’ drivers do you have should one call in sick? What are your adverse weather protocols. Showing that you cover every eventuality means that prospective clients will see you take reliability very seriously indeed.
They’re not JUST another client
Named points of contact, emergency out of hours contact numbers and a dedication to each and every client to give them a personal level of service is something that gives the smaller fleet the chance of competing with the big boys. If your client can build a relationship with your company, loyalty can be achieved, even if you’re a couple of pounds out on a price. After all, you can’t put a price on service.
You have all the necessary skills, competencies and legalities covered
As we all know, smaller firms can often mean that staff have to wear more than one hat, but the trick is to ensure that no one takes on too much and that every base is covered when it comes to the requirements and legalities of the business. This should take priority over everything and the job of making sure everything is done right – and legally – is vital in inspiring confidence in your clients. Make sure you have drivers trained in handling DG, keep proper records of tachographs, ensure that your motor fleet insurance is up to date and you keep copy proof of delivery records. And make sure your clients know you can handle anything just as well as the big boys.
Inspiring confidence in your fleet is something your salespeople should be able to do without simply going in cheaper than the competition. Are your salespeople selling your business on its own merits – or on price?