Choosing Tyres for your Fleet – Which are the Best?

When you have a fleet of vehicles, you have some key decisions to make. You of course want your vehicles to be as reliable as possible and to avoid problems wherever you can and also ensure your car fleet insurance has a good claims experience. One of the main aspects of making your vehicles reliable is choosing the right tyres. When it comes to tyres, you have considerable choice and can choose from either premium branded tyres, mid-range tyres or budget tyres. When you have a fleet of vehicles, you have some key decisions to make. You of course want your vehicles to be as reliable as possible and to avoid problems wherever you can. One of the main aspects of making your vehicles reliable is choosing the right tyres.
Premium branded tyres
Tyres from the big brands, such as Michelin, Goodyear and Bridgestone may look the same as cheaper counterparts but when it comes to performance and reliability, there’s a huge difference. It’s true that premium branded tyres will cost considerably more than budget tyres but that extra cost means you benefit from the cutting-edge technology, engineering and years of research and development that goes into making these tyres. You might think it’s unnecessary to have premium branded tyres for the vehicles in your fleet but better tyres means improved wear and grip as well as better fuel efficiency, so the added initial expense could definitely be worth it in the long run.
Mid-range tyres
If your budget won’t stretch to premium branded tyres but you want to invest in better quality than budget models have to offer, then mid-range tyres are an excellent choice. Mid-range tyres are often manufactured by the same brands that make premium tyres, although sometimes under a different name. Mid-range tyres usually offer very good wear and fuel efficiency with the added bonus of being more affordable thatn premium tyres. Many fleet owners opt for mid-range tyres for their vehicles for this reason.
Budget tyres
Budget tyres are of course the cheapest of the 3 types of tyres and as you would expect, they cannot offer the same quality that mid-range and premium tyres do.