4 Jobs You Can Do While You Study Part Time

Making the decision to do further study can be a great way to get the qualifications you want to improve your job prospects in your chosen field. For many people however, it simply isn’t possible to devote time to studying full time. Earning at least a small amount of money is a necessity which means looking for a job that you can fit in around studying full time. Here, we look at 4 different jobs you could fit round your study.
Food industry job
There are always employment opportunities available within the food industry, and there is usually flexibility to fit your hours in around other things such as study. The most flexible opportunities exist within the fast food industry where staff turnaround can be quite high. This isn’t a job however for anyone who is looking for easy money as you will spend all your time on your feet in a hot, fast paced food service outlet.
Motor Trade
There are always plenty of part time jobs available in the motor trade. Whether you are looking to simply earn some money by cleaning and valeting cars or would prefer to do a job that may lead to a career, such as being a part time trader, then this is a great place to find a job that will fit in around your studies. Just remember you may need part time motor traders insurance for a job in the motor trade.
Sales Assistant
If you are able to work the more “unsociable hours”, i.e. the ones that people who need their jobs to fit in around children and families avoid, then retail is also a great source of part time jobs. Perhaps you have a passion for fashion, in which case working in a boutique would be ideal. Alternatively, supermarkets always need staff.
It might not be the most glamorous job but working as an admin assistance will give you valuable office experience and quite often help with those all-important people skills that could really help you when you have completed your studies and are looking for a full-time role. It can also lead to full time opportunities within the company.
Whilst this might seem like a daunting task there are plenty of jobs out there that can be done while you study part time so if that is all that is stopping you from signing up to a course, don’t let it!