A Guide to Good Driving for Truck Drivers

Cut out distractions

When you’re driving a vehicle as large as a truck, it’s extremely important that you’re not distracted by anything and you have your full attention on the road. Mobile phones have become a big source of distraction for people nowadays and are responsible for a significant number of accidents.

Know your vehicle well

Beyond being able to manoeuvre your truck well, you should also know where all the essential controls are, such as the fog lights, screen wash and hazard lights. Scrambling around for a particular control is not a good idea while you’re driving so be sure that you know where everything is.

Stay alert

Truck drivers typically spend a lot of hours on the road. This can easily lead to fatigue if you don’t take enough breaks. In addition to ensuring you get enough sleep when you’re not working, you should also ensure that you take regular breaks when you’re on the road. It’s recommended that you rest for 15 mins for every 2 hours spent on the road.

In addition to making sure that you’re well rested, it’s also a good idea to keep a bottle of water in your truck. Driving in hot weather in stressful driving conditions can be very taxing so you want to make sure you stay hydrated.

Allow enough room

One of the biggest challenges of driving a truck is allowing for enough room when turning corners and reversing. The sheer size of many trucks means that you must ensure that you have plenty of room when performing any type of maneuver.

Make sure you have the right cover

One of the most important things for truck drivers is to be properly covered. A regular car insurance policy will not suffice since trucks not only cost significantly more than the average car but they also face unique risks. If you work for a large company then the insurance may already be taken care of but if you need cover then you should arrange it immediately. You can get quotes from a panel of specialist truck insurance providers now by clicking the green button below.

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