Pay as you go learner driver insurance gives you a way to get flexible cover that allows you to practice outside of your driving lesssons.

  • Cover for drivers 17+
  • Flexible cover from one hour to 24 weeks
  • All levels of cover
  • Low excess
  • Protect the car owner’s No Claims Bonus

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A guide to pay as you go learner driver insurance

Pay as you go learner driver insurance gives you an affordable and flexible way to get cover so you can practice away from your driving lessons, either on your own car or a friend or family member’s. You can get cover for only the length of time you want, whether it’s just a few hours or as much as 24 weeks.

Click the green button to get pay as you go learner driver insurance from specialist providers now. Below you can find more info on this type of insurance as well as FAQs.

Pay As You Go Learner Driver Insurance image

Did you know?

Pay as you go learner driver insurance is flexible, which means you can get cover for only the period of time you require.

What do I need to take out pay as you go learner driver insurance?

In order to get pay as you go learner insurance, you’ll need to meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 17 years old
  • Have a provisional UK driving licence
  • Have the permission of the car owner
  • Have a permanent UK address

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How much does pay as you go learner driver insurance cost?

The things that affect the cost of pay as you go learner driver insurance are:

  • Your age – Age is a key factor that affects how much you pay for insurance but there isn’t usually as much of a difference between age groups when it comes to learner insurance.
  • The car being insured – The car being insured is another thing that affects how much you pay. Things like the type of car, its engine size, any modifications and its total value all play a role.
  • The level of insurance you get – You can get optional extras with some providers, such as breakdown cover. Any extras like this will usually add to the policy cost.
  • The length of the policy – How long you get cover for will also have a big impact on price. The longer your cover runs for, the more you can expect to pay.

Did you know?

Getting pay as you go learner driver insurance is an excellent way to get vital practice before your test.

Who needs hourly car insurance?

Pay As You Go Learner Driver Insurance image

How can I save money on pay as you go learner driver insurance?

Some good ways to save money on pay as you go learner driver insurance are:

  • Limit cover options
  • Get cover on a modest car
  • Shop around for quotes

Get pay as you go learner driver insurance today

Click the green button below and you can have tailored insurance quotes from a panel of expert providers in minutes.

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Pay As You Go Learner Driver Insurance FAQs

Is it expensive?

Pay as you go learner driver insurance is affordable in most cases. How much it costs though can vary quite a bit depending on the car you’re insuring and how long the cover lasts.

How long will I be covered for?

You can choose from as little as one hour up to 24 weeks.

Can I get insured on somebody else’s car?

Yes, if you don’t have your own car yet, you can absolutely get insured on a friend or family member’s car, provided you have their permission of course.

Don’t have your registration number? No problem, click here