What is the MID?

The Motor Insurance Database (MID) is a database that was set up by the insurance industry and the motor insurance bureau in order to combat the problem of uninsured drivers and the knock-on effect this has on the rest of the public. When you work in the motor trade and have motor traders insurance it is your responsibility to ensure that the vehicles in your possession are registered with the MID.Motor Insurance Database (MID) image

The police make a huge amount of checks on the MID every month (over 2 million) so it’s imperative that you ensure that any vehicles that need to be registered with the MID are. The police are able to seize vehicles that they believe to be uninsured and use their number plate recognition network in order to identify such vehicles. Having a motor trade insurance policy will not protect you if you are carrying vehicles that have not been submitted to the MID when they should have been.

There is a maximum fine of £5,000 for failing the comply with the law related to the MID. Such a fine can be devastating, especially to new and smaller motor trade businesses so you should always take the time to ensure that your vehicles are properly submitted to the MID.

Which vehicles do I need to submit to the MID?

  • Permanent vehicles – This includes vehicles that you own or lease as well as any vehicles that are registered in your name.
  • Temporary vehicles – Working in the motor trade you’ll often have vehicles that you have in your possession for just a few days or less. In this case you don’t have to submit them to the MID. However any vehicles that are in your possession for 14 days or more must be submitted.
  • Vehicles with contingency insurance – The same 14-day rule applies to vehicles with contingency insurance.